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Thorough training in the fields of welding power sources, robot technology and process technology.

CLOOS has trained customers for about three decades and attaches as great an importance to a thorough training in robot and welding technology as the majority of end users In addition our customers are kept up-to-date due to a continual flow of information from CLOOS subsidiaries and agencies in Germany and abroad.

The participants are trained in programming and operation in the modern, well equipped CLOOS training centre. The training courses take place in small groups and under real conditions. In team work customers, you are prepared for the special demands of robot technology with the aid of components, which are similar to those used in practise.

Programming of QIROX welding robots

Programming of QIROX welding robots

It is decisive to train the employees well to use the robot technology in a competent and efficient manner. In our seminars users get familiar with the safe operation of the robot. You reinforce the knowledge and skills learnt by practical exercises in small groups using real robot systems and concrete technical components.
Seminar series Robot Programming

Service and maintenance at the QIROX robot

Service and maintenance at the QIROX robot

It is decisive to train the employees well to use the robot technology in a competent and efficient manner. In our seminars users get familiar with the safe maintenance and repair of robot systems. You reinforce the knowledge and skills learnt by practical exercises in small groups using real robot systems.
Seminar series Service and Maintenance

Management for professionals

Management for professionals

It is decisive to train the employees well to use the welding technology in a competent and efficient manner. In our seminars users get familiar with the numerous possibilities of our different software options. You reinforce the knowledge and skills learnt by practical exercises in small groups.
Seminar series Software

Seminar series Laser Programming

Seminar series Laser Programming

It is decisive to train the employees well to use the laser technology in a competent and efficient manner. In our seminars users get familiar with the safe operation of the laser technology. You reinforce the knowledge and skills learnt by practical exercises in small groups using real robot systems and actual technical components.
Seminar series Laser Programming

Seminar series Welding Power Sources

Seminar series Welding Power Sources

It is decisive to train the employees well to use the welding power sources in a competent and efficient manner. In our seminars users get familiar with the safe operation of the welding power sources. You reinforce the knowledge and skills learnt by practical exercises in small groups.
Seminar series Welding Power Sources

Seminar series Welding Processes

Seminar series Welding Processes

Eine fundierte Aus- und Fortbildung der Mitarbeiter ist entscheidend, um die Schweißtechnik kompetent und wirtschaftlich nutzen zu können. In unseren Seminaren lernen Anwender die Möglichkeiten der hocheffizienten Prozesse und Verfahren kennen und optimal anzuwenden.
Seminar series Welding Processes

Special trainings

Special trainings

Exclusive seminars with individual contents
Special trainings

Further services
  • Hotline
  • Spare parts
  • Maintenance
  • Retrofit
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Validation
Contact persons

Our service team is always at your disposal with advice and action:
Tel.: (847) 923-9988
Fax: (847) 923-9989
E-Mail: [email protected]

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The new CLOOS Seminar catalogue is available!
The new CLOOS Seminar catalogue is available!
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